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%A L. Ingber
%T Parameters in Quantum Systems
%J Acta Scientific Computer Sciences
%V 6.2
%P 12-14
%D 2024
%L Ingber:2024:PQS
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa24_quantum_parameters.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Parameterization of quantum systems
%R Report 2023:PQI
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Warrenton, OR
%L Ingber:2023:PQS
%D 2023
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni23_quantum_parameterization.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum variables in Finance
%R Report 2023:QVF
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Warrenton, OR
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets23_implied-volatility.pdf
%L Ingber:2023:QVIF

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum calcium-ion affective influences measured by EEG
%J Journal of Research in Applied Mathematics
%V 8
%N 1
%P 15-21
%D 2022
%L Ingber:2022:QCAI
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/quantum20_affective.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T From Lagrangian To Laplacian: An Example From EEG Standing Waves
%R Report 2022:LLESW
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Hillsboro, OR
%D 2022
%L Ingber:2022:LLESW
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni22_Lagrangian-Laplacian.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Realistic Neural Networks
%J American Journal of Engineering Research
%V 11
%N 11
%P 8-10
%D 2022
%L Ingber:2022:RNN
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni22_realistic_neural_nets.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Variables in Finance
%R Report 2022:QVIF
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Hillsboro, OR
%D 2022
%L Ingber:2022:QVIF
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets22_quantum_options.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Hybrid classical-quantum computing: Applications to statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions
%J Global Journal Human-Social Science
%P 1-12
%V 21
%N 6
%D 2021
%L Ingber:2021:HCQC
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni21_hybrid_smni.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Hybrid classical-quantum computing: Applications to statistical mechanics of financial markets
%V 307
%D 2021
%J E3S Web Conference
%P 04001-04012
%L Ingber:2021:CQCA
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets21_hybrid_smfm.pdf and https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202130704001

%A L. Ingber
%T Revisiting our quantum world
%B Technological Breakthroughs and Future Business Opportunities in Education, Health, and Outer Space
%E A. Hooke
%I IGI Global
%C Hershey, PA
%D 2021
%P 1-16
%L Ingber:2020:RQWA
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/quantum20_techcast.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Forecasting COVID-19 with importance-sampling and path-integrals
%J Global Journal Human-Social Science
%P 1-9
%V 21
%N 9
%D 2021
%L Ingber:2021:FCIS
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa21_covid.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Developing bid-ask probabilities for high-frequency trading
%J Virtual Economics
%V 3
%N 2
%P 7-24
%D 2020
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets19_bid_ask_prob.pdf and https://doi.org/10.34021/ve.2020.03.02(1)
%L Ingber:2019:DBAP

%A L. Ingber
%T Artificial intelligence, ideas by statistical mechanics, and affective modulation of information processing
%R Report 2019:AIISM
%D 2019
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni19_ismai.pdf
%L Ingber:2019:AIISM

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum-Classical interactions: calcium ions and synchronous neural firings
%J Acta Scientific Computer Sciences
%V 2
%N 1
%P 13-20
%D 2019
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni19_quantum-classical.pdf and https://www.actascientific.com/ASCS/pdf/quantum-classical-interactions-calcium-ions-and-synchronous-neural-firings.pdf
%L Ingber:2019:QCICISNF

%A L. Ingber
%T Editorial: Model of Models (MOM)
%J Acta Scientific Computer Sciences
%V 2
%N 1
%P 21-22
%D 2019
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni19_model-of-models.pdf and https://actascientific.com/ASCS/pdf/model-of-models-mom.pdf
%L Ingber:2019:MOM

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Variables in Finance and Neuroscience
%R Lecture Plates 2018:QVFN
%D 2018
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path18_qpathint_lecture.pdf
%L Ingber:2018:QVFN

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Variables in Finance and Neuroscience II
%R Report 2018:FNQV
%D 2018
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path18_qpathint.pdf
%L Ingber:2018:FNQV

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum path integral for financial options
%R Report 2018:QPIO
%D 2018
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets18_quantum_options.pdf and https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.18226.45765
%L Ingber:2018:QPIO

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum calcium-ion interactions with EEG
%J Sci
%V 1
%N 7
%D 2018
%P 1-21
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni18_quantumCaEEG.pdf and https://doi.org/10.3390/sci1010020
%L Ingber:2018:QCIE

%A L. Ingber
%T Model of Models (MOM)
%R Report 2018:MOM
%D 2018
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni18_MOM.pdf
%L Ingber:2018:MOM

%A L. Ingber
%T Evolution of regenerative Ca-ion wave-packet in neuronal-firing fields: Quantum path-integral with serial shocks
%J International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security
%D 2017
%V 4
%N 2
%P 14-22
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path17_quantum_pathint_shocks.pdf
%L Ingber:2017:QPIS

%A L. Ingber
%T Options on quantum money: Quantum path-integral with serial shocks
%J International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security
%D 2017
%V 4
%N 2
%P 7-13
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path17_quantum_options_shocks.pdf
%L Ingber:2017:OQM

%A L. Ingber
%T Quantum Path-Integral qPATHINT Algorithm
%J The Open Cybernetics Systemics Journal
%V 11
%P 119-133
%D 2017
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path17_qpathint.pdf and https://doi.org/10.2174/1874110X01711010119
%L Ingber:2017:QAPI

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Large-scale EEG influences on molecular processes
%J Journal of Theoretical Biology
%D 2016
%V 395
%P 144-152
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni16_large-scale_molecular.pdf and https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.02.003
%L Ingber:2016:LSEI

%A L. Ingber
%T Path-integral quantum PATHTREE and PATHINT algorithms
%J International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security
%V 3
%N 5
%P 1-15
%D 2016
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path16_quantum_path.pdf
%L Ingber:2016:PIQA

%A L. Ingber
%T Calculating consciousness correlates at multiple scales of neocortical interactions
%B Horizons in Neuroscience Research
%E A. Costa
%E E. Villalba
%I Nova
%C Hauppauge, NY
%D 2015
%P 153-186
%O ISBN 978-1-63482-632-7. Invited paper. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni15_calc_conscious.pdf
%L Ingber:2015:CMSN

%A L. Ingber
%T Biological Impact on Military Intelligence: Application or Metaphor?
%J International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems
%V 5
%N 3
%P 173-185
%D 2015
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat15_milint.pdf
%L Ingber:2015:BIMI

%A L. Ingber
%T Synergy among multiple scales of neocortical interactions
%R Report 2015:SCSM
%D 2015
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni15_synergy.pdf
%L Ingber:2015:SCSM

%A L. Ingber
%A M. Pappalepore
%A R.R. Stesiak
%J Journal of Theoretical Biology
%T Electroencephalographic field influence on calcium momentum waves
%V 343
%P 138-153
%D 2014
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni14_eeg_ca.pdf and https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.11.002
%L Ingber:2014:EFIC

%A L. Ingber
%R Report 2014:LFIC
%T Influences on consciousness from multiple scales of neocortical interactions: Lecture plates
%D 2014
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%O 3rd World Neuroscience Online Conference 17 June 2014. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni14_conscious_scales_lect.pptx and https://www.ingber.com/smni14_conscious_scales_lect.pdf
%L Ingber:2014:LFIC

%A L. Ingber
%R Report 2013:LEFI
%T Electroencephalographic (EEG) influence on Ca2+ waves: Lecture plates
%D 2013
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%O 2nd World Neuroscience Online Conference 18 June 2013. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni13_eeg_ca_lect.pptx and https://www.ingber.com/smni13_eeg_ca_lect.pdf
%L Ingber:2013:LEFI

%A P.L. Nunez
%A R. Srinivasan
%A L. Ingber
%E M.M. Pesenson
%T Theoretical and experimental electrophysiology in human neocortex: Multiscale correlates of conscious experience
%B Multiscale Analysis and Nonlinear Dynamics: From genes to the brain
%D 2013
%P 149-178
%I Wiley
%C New York
%L Ingber:2013:TEEHN
%O URL https://doi.org/10.1002/9783527671632.ch06

%A L. Ingber
%J Journal of Theoretical Biology
%T Slides for Electroencephalographic field influence on calcium momentum waves
%V 343
%D 2013
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni14_eeg_ca_slides.pdf and https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.11.002
%L Ingber:2013:SEFIC

%A L. Ingber
%T Columnar EEG magnetic influences on molecular development of short-term memory
%B Short-Term Memory: New Research
%E G. Kalivas
%E S.F. Petralia
%D 2012
%P 37-72
%I Nova
%C Hauppauge, NY
%L Ingber:2012:CEMI
%O Invited Paper. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni11_stm_scales.pdf

%A H.A. Oliveira, Jr.
%A A. Petraglia
%A L. Ingber
%A M.A.S. Machado
%A M.R. Petraglia
%T Stochastic global optimization and its applications with fuzzy adaptive simulated annealing
%I Springer
%C New York
%D 2012
%L Ingber:2012:SGO
%O URL https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-27479-4

%A L. Ingber
%T Adaptive Simulated Annealing
%B Stochastic global optimization and its applications with fuzzy adaptive simulated annealing
%E H.A. Oliveira, Jr.
%E A. Petraglia
%E L. Ingber
%E M.A.S. Machado
%E M.R. Petraglia
%I Springer
%C New York
%D 2012
%P 33-61
%L Ingber:2012:ASAOP
%O Invited Paper. URL https://www.ingber.com/asa11_options.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Influence of macrocolumnar EEG on Ca waves
%J Current Progress Journal
%D 2012
%V 1
%N 1
%P 4-8
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni12_vectpot.pdf
%L Ingber:2012:IMEC

%A L. Ingber
%T Computational algorithms derived from multiple scales of neocortical processing
%B Pointing at Boundaries: Integrating Computation and Cognition on Biological Grounds
%E A. Pereira, Jr.
%E E. Massad
%E N. Bobbitt
%P 1-13
%I Springer
%C New York
%D 2011
%L Ingber:2011:CAMS
%O Invited Paper. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni11_cog_comp.pdf and https://doi.org/10.1007/s12559-011-9105-4

%A L. Ingber
%E G.N. Gregoriou
%T Trading in Risk Dimensions
%B The Handbook of Trading: Strategies for Navigating and Profiting from Currency, Bond, and Stock Markets
%I McGraw-Hill
%C New York
%D 2010
%P 287-300
%L Ingber:2010:TRD

%A L. Ingber
%T Real Options for Project Schedules (ROPS)
%J SGI Reflections International Journal of Science, Technology & Management
%V 2
%N 2
%P 15-20
%D 2010
%O Invited paper. URL https://sgi.ac.in/colleges/newsletters/1146080820111637301.pdf
%L Ingber:2010:ROPS

%A L. Ingber
%A P.L. Nunez
%T Neocortical Dynamics at Multiple Scales: EEG Standing Waves, Statistical Mechanics, and Physical Analogs
%J Mathematical Biosciences
%V 229
%P 160-173
%D 2010
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni10_multiple_scales.pdf and https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mbs.2010.12.003
%L Ingber:2010:NDMS

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Portfolio of physiological indicators
%J The Open Cybernetics Systemics Journal
%V 3
%N 14
%P 13-26
%D 2009
%O URL https://doi.org/10.2174/1874110x00903010013
%L Ingber:2009:PPI

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Columnar EEG
%R Report 2009:CEEG
%D 2009
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%L Ingber:2009:CE
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni09_columnar_eeg.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Nonlinear columnar electroencephalography
%J NeuroQuantology Journal
%V 7
%N 4
%P 500-529
%D 2009
%L Ingber:2009:NCE
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni09_nonlin_column_eeg.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%E J.R. Rabunal
%E J. Dorado
%E A.P. Pazos
%T AI and Ideas by Statistical Mechanics (ISM)
%B Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence
%D 2008
%P 58-64
%I Information Science Reference
%C New York
%L Ingber:2008:AIISM
%O ISBN 978-1-59904-849-9. URL https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/ideas-statistical-mechanics/10226

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions (SMNI): Testing theories with multiple imaging data
%J NeuroQuantology Journal
%V 6
%N 2
%D 2008
%P 97-104
%L Ingber:2008:TT
%O URL Invited paper. https://www.ingber.com/smni08_tt.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Real Options for Project Schedules (ROPS)
%R Report 2007:ROPS
%D 2007
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%L Ingber:2007:ROPS
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets07_rops.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Time delays
%R Report 2007:TD
%D 2007
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%L Ingber:2007:TD
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni07_timedelays.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Ideas by Statistical Mechanics (ISM)
%J Journal Integrated Systems Design and Process Science
%V 11
%N 3
%P 31-54
%D 2007
%O Special Issue: Biologically Inspired Computing.
%L Ingber:2007:JISDPS
%O URL https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.5555/1517398.1517402

%A L. Ingber
%T Ideas by statistical mechanics (ISM)
%R Report 2006:ISM
%D 2006
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%L Ingber:2006:ISM
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni06_ism.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Portfolio of physiological indicators
%R Report 2006:PPI
%D 2006
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%L Ingber:2006:PPI
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni06_ppi.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Trading in Risk Dimensions (TRD)
%R Report 2005:TRD
%D 2005
%I Physical Studies Institute LLC
%C Ashland, OR
%L Ingber:2005:TRD
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets05_trd.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%A R.P. Mondescu
%B Intelligent Internet-Based Information Processing Systems
%T Automated internet trading based on optimized physics models of markets
%E R.J. Howlett
%E N.S. Ichalkaranje
%E L.C. Jain
%E G. Tonfoni
%I World Scientific
%C Singapore
%P 305-356
%D 2003
%L Ingber:2003:AITOPM
%O Invited paper. URL https://www.ingber.com/markets03_automated.pdf

%A A.F. Atiya
%A A.G. Parlos
%A L. Ingber
%T A reinforcement learning method based on adaptive simulated annealing
%B Proceedings International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWCAS), December 2003
%C Cairo, Egypt
%D 2003
%P 121-124
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa03_reinforce.pdf
%L Ingber:2003:RLMBASA

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of portfolios of options
%R Report 2002:SMPO
%D 2002
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Chicago, IL
%L Ingber:2002:SMPO
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets02_portfolio.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%A R.P. Mondescu
%T Optimization of trading physics models of markets
%J IEEE Transactions Neural Networks
%V 12
%N 4
%P 776-790
%O Invited paper for special issue on Neural Networks in Financial Engineering. URL https://www.ingber.com/markets01_optim_trading.pdf
%L Ingber:2001:OTPMM
%D 2001

%A L. Ingber
%A C. Chen
%A R.P. Mondescu
%A D. Muzzall
%A M. Renedo
%T Probability tree algorithm for general diffusion processes
%J Physical Review E
%V 64
%N 5
%P 056702-056707
%D 2001
%L Ingber:2001:PTAGDP
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path01_pathtree.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical Mechanics of Combat (SMC): Mathematical Comparison of Computer Models to Exercise Data
%R SMC Lecture Plates
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Chicago, IL
%D 2001
%L Ingber:2001:MCCMED
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat01_lecture.pdf and https://www.ingber.com/combat01_lecture.html

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical Mechanics of Neocortical Interactions (SMNI): Multiple Scales of Short-Term Memory and EEG Phenomena
%R SMNI Lecture Plates
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Chicago, IL
%D 2001
%L Ingber:2001:MSSTMEP
%O Invited talk U Calgary, Canada, April 2001. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni01_lecture.pdf and https://www.ingber.com/smni01_lecture.html

%A L. Ingber
%T Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA) and Path-Integral (PATHINT) Algorithms: Generic Tools for Complex Systems
%R ASA-PATHINT Lecture Plates
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Chicago, IL
%D 2001
%L Ingber:2001:ASAPIA
%O Invited talk U Calgary, Canada, April 2001. URL https://www.ingber.com/asa01_lecture.pdf and https://www.ingber.com/asa01_lecture.html

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical Mechanics of Financial Markets (SMFM): Applications to Trading Indicators and Options
%R SMFM Lecture Plates
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Chicago, IL
%D 2001
%L Ingber:2001:ATIO
%O Invited talk U Calgary, Canada, April 2001. Invited talk U Florida, Gainesville, April 2002. Invited talk Tulane U, New Orleans, January 2003. URL https://www.ingber.com/markets01_lecture.pdf and https://www.ingber.com/markets01_lecture.html

%A L. Ingber
%T High-resolution path-integral development of financial options
%J Physica A
%V 283
%N 3-4
%P 529-558
%L Ingber:2000:HRPIDFO
%D 2000
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets00_highres.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Keri No Kata
%J Shotokan Research Society International (SRSI)
%V 1
%N 4
%D 2000
%L Ingber:2000:KNK
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/karate00_keri_no_kata.html

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: EEG correlates of reaction times
%B Proceedings World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, July 23-28, 2000
%I World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
%C Chicago, IL
%D 2000
%L Ingber:2000:SMNIEESTM
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni00_eeg_rt.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: EEG eigenfunctions of short-term memory
%J Behavioral and Brain Sciences
%V 23
%N 3
%P 403-405
%D 2000
%L Ingber:2000:EESTM
%O Invited commentary on Toward a Quantitative Description of Large-Scale Neocortical Dynamic Function and EEG, by P.L. Nunez. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni00_eeg_stm.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%A J.K. Wilson
%T Statistical mechanics of financial markets: Exponential modifications to Black-Scholes
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 31
%N 8/9
%P 167-192
%D 2000
%L Ingber:2000:SMFMEMBS
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets00_exp.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T A simple options training model
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 30
%N 5-6
%P 167-182
%L Ingber:1999:SOTM
%D 1999
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets99_spread.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Reaction time correlates of the g factor
%J Psycholoquy
%V 10
%N 068
%D 1999
%L Ingber:1999:SMNIBgF
%O Invited commentary on The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability by Arthur Jensen. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni99_g_factor.pdf and https://www.cogsci.ecs.soton.ac.uk/cgi/psyc/newpsy?10.068

%A L. Ingber
%A J.K. Wilson
%T Volatility of volatility of financial markets
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 29
%N 5
%P 39-57
%D 1999
%L Ingber:1999:VVFM
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets99_vol.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Data mining and knowledge discovery via statistical mechanics in nonlinear stochastic systems
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 27
%N 3
%P 9-31
%D 1998
%L Ingber:1998:DMKDSMNSS
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path98_datamining.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Some Applications of Statistical Mechanics of Financial Markets
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Chicago, IL
%L Ingber:1998:SASMFM
%D 1998
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets98_smfm_appl.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of financial markets (SMFM)
%R SMFM Lecture Plates
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Chicago, IL
%D 1998
%L Ingber:1998:SMNFMLP
%O Updated invited talk to U of Chicago Financial Mathematics Seminar, 20 Nov 1998. URL https://www.ingber.com/markets98_lecture.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Training and testing canonical momenta indicators of EEG
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 27
%N 3
%P 33-64
%D 1998
%L Ingber:1998:SMNITTCMIE
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni98_cmi_test.pdf

%A M. Bowman
%A L. Ingber
%T Canonical momenta of nonlinear combat
%B Proceedings of the 1997 Simulation Multi-Conference, 6-10 April 1997, Atlanta, GA
%I Society for Computer Simulation
%C San Diego, CA
%D 1997
%P 1-6
%L Ingber:1997:CMNC
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat97_cmi.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions (SMNI)
%R SMNI Lecture Plates
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C Chicago, IL
%D 1997
%L Ingber:1997:SMNLP
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni97_lecture.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Applications of canonical momenta indicators to electroencephalography
%J Physical Review E
%V 55
%N 4
%P 4578-4593
%D 1997
%L Ingber:1997:SMNIACMIE
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni97_cmi.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T EEG Database
%I UCI Machine Learning Repository
%C Irvine, CA
%D 1997
%L Ingber:1997:EEGD
%O URL https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/EEG+Database

%A L. Ingber
%T Adaptive simulated annealing (ASA): Lessons learned
%J Control and Cybernetics
%V 25
%N 1
%P 33-54
%D 1996
%L Ingber:1996:ASALL
%O Invited paper to Control and Cybernetics on Simulated Annealing Applied to Combinatorial Optimization. URL https://www.ingber.com/asa96_lessons.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Canonical momenta indicators of financial markets and neocortical EEG
%B Progress in Neural Information Processing
%E S.-I. Amari
%E L. Xu
%E I. King
%E K.-S. Leung
%I Springer
%C New York
%P 777-784
%D 1996
%L Ingber:1996:CMIFMNE
%O Invited paper to the 1996 International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'96), Hong Kong, 24-27 September 1996. ISBN 981-3083-05-0. URL https://www.ingber.com/markets96_momenta.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Nonlinear nonequilibrium nonquantum nonchaotic statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions
%J Behavioral and Brain Sciences
%V 19
%N 2
%P 300-301
%D 1996
%L Ingber:1996:NNNQNCSMNI
%O Invited commentary on Dynamics of the brain at global and microscopic scales: Neural networks and the EEG, by J.J. Wright and D.T.J. Liley. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni96_nonlinear.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Multiple scales of EEG
%B Frontier Science in EEG: Continuous Waveform Analysis (Electroencephal. clin. Neurophysiol. Suppl. 45)
%E R.M. Dasheiff
%E D.J. Vincent
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%D 1996
%P 79-112
%L Ingber:1996:SMNIMSE
%O Invited talk to Frontier Science in EEG Symposium, New Orleans, 9 Oct 1993. ISBN 0-444-82429-4. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni96_eeg.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of nonlinear nonequilibrium financial markets: Applications to optimized trading
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 23
%N 7
%P 101-121
%D 1996
%L Ingber:1996:SMNFMAOT
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets96_trading.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Trading markets with canonical momenta and adaptive simulated annealing
%R Report 1996:TMCMASA
%I Physical Studies Institute
%C McLean, VA
%D 1996
%L Ingber:1996:TMWCMASA
%O Solicited by AI in Finance prior to cessation of publication. URL https://www.ingber.com/markets96_brief.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%A R. Srinivasan
%A P.L. Nunez
%T Path-integral evolution of chaos embedded in noise: Duffing neocortical analog
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 23
%N 3
%P 43-53
%D 1996
%L Ingber:1996:PIECENDNA
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path96_duffing.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Multiple scales of brain-mind interaction
%J Behavioral and Brain Sciences
%V 18
%N 2
%P 360-362
%D 1995
%L Ingber:1995:MSBMICIM
%O Invited commentary on Images of Mind, by M.I. Posner and M.E. Raichle. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni95_images.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Path-integral calculation of multivariate Fokker-Planck systems
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 21
%N 11
%P 61-67
%D 1995
%L Ingber:1995:PICMFPS

%A L. Ingber
%T Path-integral evolution of multivariate systems with moderate noise
%J Physical Review E
%V 51
%N 2
%P 1616-1619
%D 1995
%L Ingber:1995:PEMSMN
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path95_nonl.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of multiple scales of neocortical interactions
%B Neocortical Dynamics and Human EEG Rhythms
%E P.L. Nunez
%I Oxford University Press
%C New York, NY
%P 628-681
%D 1995
%L Ingber:1995:SMMNI
%O ISBN 0-19-505728-7. URL https://www.ingber.com/smni95_scales.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Constraints on 40 Hz models of short-term memory
%J Physical Review E
%V 52
%N 4
%D 1995
%L Ingber:1995:SMNIC4HMSTM
%P 4561-4563
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni95_stm40hz.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%A P.L. Nunez
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: High resolution path-integral calculation of short-term memory
%J Physical Review E
%V 51
%N 5
%P 5074-5083
%D 1995
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni95_stm.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Path-integral evolution of short-term memory
%J Physical Review E
%V 49
%N 5B
%D 1994
%L Ingber:1994:SMNIPIESTM
%P 4652-4664
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni94_stm.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%R Global optimization C-code
%I Caltech Alumni Association
%C Pasadena, CA
%T Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA)
%D 1993
%L Ingber:1993:ASA
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/#ASA-CODE

%A L. Ingber
%T Simulated annealing: Practice versus theory
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 18
%N 11
%D 1993
%L Ingber:1993:SAPVT
%P 29-57
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa93_sapvt.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of combat and extensions
%B Toward a Science of Command, Control, and Communications
%E C. Jones
%I American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
%C Washington, D.C.
%D 1993
%L Ingber:1993:SMCE
%P 117-149
%O ISBN 1-56347-068-3. URL https://www.ingber.com/combat93_c3sci.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%A B. Rosen
%T Genetic algorithms and very fast simulated reannealing: A comparison
%J Operations Research Management Science
%V 33
%N 5
%D 1993
%P 523
%L Ingber:1993:GA

%A L. Ingber
%T Generic mesoscopic neural networks based on statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions
%J Physical Review A
%V 45
%N 4
%P R2183-R2186
%D 1992
%L Ingber:1992:GMNNBSMNI
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni92_mnn.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T GNU aids small science in a big way
%J GNU Bulletin
%V 1
%N 12
%P 9-10
%D 1992
%L Ingber:1992:GNASSBW

%A L. Ingber
%A B. Rosen
%T Genetic algorithms and very fast simulated reannealing: A comparison
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 16
%N 11
%P 87-100
%D 1992
%L Ingber:1992:GA
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa92_saga.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanical measures of performance of combat
%B Proceedings of the 1991 Summer Computer Simulation Conference 22-24 July 1991, Baltimore, MD
%E D. Pace
%I Society for Computer Simulation
%C San Diego, CA
%D 1991
%L Ingber:1991:SMMPC
%P 940-945

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: A scaling paradigm applied to electroencephalography
%J Physical Review A
%N 6
%V 44
%P 4017-4060
%D 1991
%L Ingber:1991:SMNISPAE
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni91_eeg.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%A H. Fujio
%A M.F. Wehner
%T Mathematical comparison of combat computer models to exercise data
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 15
%N 1
%P 65-90
%D 1991
%L Ingber:1991:MCCCMED
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat91_data.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%A D.D. Sworder
%T Statistical mechanics of combat with human factors
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 15
%N 11
%D 1991
%L Ingber:1991:SMCHF
%P 99-127
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat91_human.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%A M.F. Wehner
%A G.M. Jabbour
%A T.M. Barnhill
%T Application of statistical mechanics methodology to term-structure bond-pricing models
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 15
%N 11
%D 1991
%L Ingber:1991:ASMMTSBPM
%P 77-98
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets91_interest.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanical aids to calculating term structure models
%J Physical Review A
%V 42
%N 12
%D 1990
%L Ingber:1990:SMACTSM
%P 7057-7064
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets90_interest.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%A P.L. Nunez
%T Multiple scales of statistical physics of neocortex: Application to electroencephalography
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 13
%N 7
%D 1990
%L Ingber:1990:MSSPNAE
%P 83-95

%A L. Ingber
%T Mathematical comparison of computer models to exercise data
%B Symposium on Data Efficiency Using Pre-Processing
%E T.K. Gardenier
%P 72-115
%D 1989
%I TKG Consultants
%C Vienna, VA

%A L. Ingber
%T Mathematical comparison of computer models to exercise data
%B 1989 JDL C2 Symposium: National Defense University, Washington, DC, 27-29 June 1989
%P 169-192
%D 1989
%L Ingber:1989:MMEDJDLNDU
%C McLean, VA

%A L. Ingber
%T Mathematical comparison of JANUS(T) simulation to National Training Center
%B The Science of Command and Control: Part II, Coping With Complexity
%E S.E. Johnson
%E A.H. Levis
%D 1989
%L Ingber:1989:MJSNTC
%I AFCEA International
%C Washington, DC
%P 165-176

%A L. Ingber
%T Very fast simulated re-annealing
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 12
%N 8
%P 967-973
%D 1989
%L Ingber:1989:VFSR
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/asa89_vfsr.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Applications of biological intelligence to Command, Control and Communications
%B Computer Simulation in Brain Science: Proceedings, University of Copenhagen, 20-22 August 1986
%E R. Cotterill
%I Cambridge University Press
%C London
%D 1988
%L Ingber:1988:ABICCC
%P 513-533
%O ISBN 0-521-34179-5

%A L. Ingber
%T Mathematical comparison of computer models to exercise data: Comparison of JANUS(T) to National Training Center data
%B 1988 JDL C2 Symposium: Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 7-9 June 1988
%P 541-549
%D 1988
%C McLean, VA

%A L. Ingber
%T Mesoscales in neocortex and in command, control and communications (C3) systems
%B Systems with Learning and Memory Abilities: Proceedings, University of Paris 15-19 June 1987
%E J. Delacour
%E J.C.S. Levy
%I Elsevier
%C Amsterdam
%D 1988
%L Ingber:1988:MNCCCS
%P 387-409

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of mesoscales in neocortex and in command, control and communications (C3): Proceedings, Sixth International Conference, St. Louis, MO, 4-7 August 1987
%J Mathematical Computer Modelling
%V 11
%D 1988
%L Ingber:1988:SMNCCCPSIC
%P 457-463

%A J. Connell
%A L. Ingber
%A C. Yost
%T Statistical mechanical virtual neural computer
%B 1987 Symposium on C3 Research: National Defense University, Washington, DC, 16-18 June 1987
%I National Defense University
%C Washington, DC
%D 1987
%L Ingber:1987:SMVNC
%P 65-68

%A L. Ingber
%T Modeling C3 of a regional battle-manager: Statistical mechanics application of biological intelligence
%R Report 1987:MCRBM
%C Arlington, VA
%D 1987
%L Ingber:1987:MC3RBMSMABI

%A L. Ingber
%T C3 decision aids: Statistical mechanics application of biological intelligence
%B 1987 Symposium on C3 Research: National Defense University, Washington, DC, 16-18 June 1987
%I National Defense University
%C Washington, DC
%D 1987
%L Ingber:1987:C3DASMABI
%P 49-57

%A L. Ingber
%A T.R. Moore
%T Proposal for real-time use of C3 models using optical associative memories
%R Report 1987:PRTCMOAM
%I Naval Postgraduate School
%C Monterey, CA
%D 1987
%L Ingber:1987:PRTUC3MUOAM

%A L. Ingber
%A S. Upton
%T Stochastic model of combat
%B 1987 Symposium on C3 Research: National Defense University, Washington, DC, 16-18 June 1987
%I National Defense University
%C Washington, DC
%D 1987
%L Ingber:1987:SMC
%P 59-63

%A L. Ingber
%T Noise-induced extrema in time-dependent Ginsburg-Landau systems
%J Mathematical Modelling
%V 7
%P 525-528
%D 1986
%L Ingber:1986:GLNIETD
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/path86_GinsburgLandau.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Nonlinear nonequilibrium statistical mechanics approach to C3 systems
%B 9th MIT/ONR Workshop on C3 Systems: Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 2-5 June 1986
%P 237-244
%D 1986
%L Ingber:1986:NNSMAC3S
%C Cambridge, MA
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat86_approach.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Riemannian contributions to short-ranged velocity-dependent nucleon-nucleon interactions
%J Physical Review D
%V 33
%P 3781-3784
%D 1986
%L Ingber:1986:RCSRVDNNI
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/nuclear86_riemann.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Riemannian contributions to velocity-dependent nucleon-nucleon interaction
%J Bulletin American Physical Society
%V 31
%P 869
%D 1986
%L Ingber:1986:RVDNNC

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions
%J Bulletin American Physical Society
%V 31
%P 868
%D 1986
%L Ingber:1986:SMNI

%A L. Ingber
%T Elements of Advanced Karate
%I Ohara
%C Burbank, CA
%D 1985
%L Ingber:1985:EAK
%O ISBN 0-89750-127-6. URL https://www.ingber.com/karate85_book.html

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics algorithm for response to targets (SMART)
%B Workshop on Uncertainty and Probability in Artificial Intelligence: UC Los Angeles, 14-16 August 1985
%I American Association for Artificial Intelligence
%C Menlo Park, CA
%P 258-264
%D 1985
%L Ingber:1985:SMART
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/combat85_smart.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions. EEG dispersion relations
%J IEEE Transactions in Biomedical Engineering
%V 32
%P 91-94
%D 1985
%L Ingber:1985:SMNIEDR
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni85_eeg.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Stability and duration of the 7+-2 rule of short-term-memory capacity
%J Physical Review A
%V 31
%P 1183-1186
%D 1985
%L Ingber:1985:SMNISD72STMC
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni85_stm.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Towards clinical applications of statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions
%J Innovations Technology Biology Medicine
%V 6
%P 753-758
%D 1985
%L Ingber:1985:TCASMNI

%A L. Ingber
%T Path-integral Riemannian contributions to nuclear Schrodinger equation
%J Physical Review D
%V 29
%P 1171-1174
%D 1984
%L Ingber:1984:PIRCNSE
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/nuclear84_riemann.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions. Derivation of short-term-memory capacity
%J Physical Review A
%V 29
%P 3346-3358
%D 1984
%L Ingber:1984:SMNIDSTMC
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni84_stm.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of nonlinear nonequilibrium financial markets
%J Mathematical Modelling
%V 5
%N 6
%P 343-361
%D 1984
%L Ingber:1984:SMNNFM
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/markets84_statmech.pdf

%A J. Bryant
%A L. Ingber
%A K. Rosi
%A L. Seitchik
%T Tennis Dynamics
%R Book No. TD-83
%I Physical Studies Institute Inc.
%C Solana Beach, CA
%D 1983
%L Ingber:1983:TD

%A L. Ingber
%T Nearest-neighbor frustrated magnetic domains
%R Report 1983:NNFMD
%I Physical Studies Institute Inc.
%C Solana Beach, CA
%D 1983
%L Ingber:1983:NNFMD

%A L. Ingber
%T Riemannian corrections to velocity-dependent nuclear forces
%J Physical Review C
%V 28
%P 2536-2539
%D 1983
%L Ingber:1983:RCVDNF
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/nuclear83_riemann.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions. Dynamics of synaptic modification
%J Physical Review A
%V 28
%P 395-416
%D 1983
%L Ingber:1983:SMNIDSM
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni83_dynamics.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T The OXY cornerstone
%B Legends of Caltech
%E W.A. Dodge, Jr.
%E R.B. Moulton
%E H.W. Sigworth
%E A.C. Smith, Jr.
%I Alumni Association, California Institute of Technology
%C Pasadena, CA
%D 1982
%L Ingber:1982:OC
%P 28
%O ISBN 0-215-12345-X. URL https://www.ingber.com/ingber82_LegendsOfCaltech.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions. I. Basic formulation
%J Physica D
%V 5
%P 83-107
%D 1982
%L Ingber:1982:SMNIBF
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni82_basic.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Prediction of neural implants
%B The Reader
%C Del Mar, CA
%D 1982
%L Ingber:1982:PNI
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni82_reader.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Attention, physics and teaching
%J Journal Social Biological Structures
%V 4
%P 225-235
%D 1981
%L Ingber:1981:APT
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni81_attention.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Karate: Kinematics and Dynamics
%I Unique
%C Hollywood, CA
%D 1981
%L Ingber:1981:KKD
%O ISBN 0-86568-025-6. URL https://www.ingber.com/karate81_book.txt

%A L. Ingber
%T Towards a unified brain theory
%J Journal Social Biological Structures
%V 4
%P 211-224
%D 1981
%L Ingber:1981:TUBT
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni81_unified.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Urn of the Universe
%R Book No. UU-77
%I Physical Studies Institute Inc.
%C Solana Beach, CA
%D 1977
%L Ingber:1977:UU

%A L. Ingber
%T The Karate Instructor's Handbook
%I Physical Studies Institute Inc.-Institute for the Study of Attention
%C Solana Beach, CA
%D 1976
%L Ingber:1976:KIH
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/karate76_book.html

%A S. Bryant
%A L. Ingber
%T College Algebra Problem Supplement
%R Book No. CAPS-74
%I Physical Studies Institute Inc.
%C Solana Beach, CA
%D 1974
%L Ingber:1974:CAPS

%A S. Bryant
%A L. Ingber
%A M. Marians
%T Activities in Probability
%R Book No. AP-74
%I Physical Studies Institute Inc.
%C Solana Beach, CA
%D 1974
%L Ingber:1974:AP

%A E. Clark
%A L. Ingber
%T Foundations in Chemistry Problem Supplement
%R Book No. FCPS-74
%I Physical Studies Institute Inc.
%C Solana Beach, CA
%D 1974
%L Ingber:1974:FCPS

%A I. Assimov
%A A. Baker
%A M. Bickford
%A G. Burbidge
%A G. Choppin
%A M. Chriss
%A D. Eisenberg
%A J. Fowler
%A H. Gray
%A A. Holden
%A L. Ingber
%A R. Kolenkow
%A C. Lee
%A P. Lonsdale
%A G. Morgan
%A M. Rotenberg
%A M. Sands
%A A. Schawlow
%A V. Weisskopf
%A G. Wetherill
%T Physical Science Today
%I CRM Books
%C Del Mar, CA
%D 1973
%L Ingber:1973:PST
%O ISBN 0-394-30281-8

%A Z. Barkat
%A J.R. Buchler
%A L. Ingber
%T Equation of state of neutron star matter at subnuclear densities
%J Astrophyscal Journal
%V 176
%P 723-738
%D 1972
%L Ingber:1972:ESNSMSD

%A W.R. Frazer
%A L. Ingber
%A C.H. Mehta
%A C.H. Poon
%A D. Silverman
%A K. Stowe
%A H. Yessian
%T High energy multiparticle reactions
%J Reviews Modern Physics
%V 44
%P 284-319
%D 1972
%L Ingber:1972:HEMR

%A L. Ingber
%T Editorial: Learning to learn
%J Explore
%V 7
%P 5-8
%D 1972
%L Ingber:1972:ELL
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/smni72_learning.pdf

%A J.R. Buchler
%A L. Ingber
%T Properties of the neutron gas and applications to neutron stars
%J Nuclear Physics A
%V 170
%P 1-11
%D 1971
%L Ingber:1971:PNGANS

%A L. Ingber
%A R. Potenza
%T Nuclear forces and nuclear energetics
%J Physical Review C
%V 1
%P 112-122
%D 1970
%L Ingber:1970:NFNE

%A L. Ingber
%T Nuclear forces
%J Physical Review
%V 174
%P 1250-1263
%D 1968
%L Ingber:1968:NF
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/nuclear68_forces.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Physics of karate techniques
%R Instructor's Thesis
%I Japan Karate Association
%C Tokyo, Japan
%D 1968
%L Ingber:1968:PKT

%A K.A. Brueckner
%A L. Ingber
%T Nuclear Forces
%J Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
%V S
%P 616
%V S24
%D 1968
%L Ingber:1968:BJ

%A L. Ingber
%T Realistic nuclear forces
%J Reviews Modern Physics
%V 39
%P 648
%D 1967
%L Ingber:1967:RNF

%A L. Ingber
%T One-meson-exchange potentials and properties of nucleon-nucleon scattering and of nuclear matter
%R Ph.D. Thesis
%I UC San Diego
%C La Jolla, CA
%D 1967
%L Ingber:1967:OMEPPNNSNM
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/nuclear67_ThesisPhD.pdf

%A L. Ingber
%T Collective interactions between light and matter
%R Report 1966:CIBLM
%C Santa Monica, CA
%D 1966
%L Ingber:1966:CIBLM

%A L. Ingber
%T Non-adiabatic corrections to the method of stationary states
%J Physical Review A
%V 139
%P 35-39
%D 1965
%O URL https://www.ingber.com/nuclear65_nonadiabatic.pdf
%L Ingber:1965:NACMSS

%A L. Ingber
%T Velocity-dependent potentials
%J American Physical Society Bulletin
%V 10
%P 737
%D 1965
%L Ingber:1965:VDP

%A L. Ingber
%T Electroluminescence
%R Report 1957:BTHS
%I Brooklyn Technical High School
%C Brooklyn, NY
%D 1957
%L Ingber:1957:BTHS
%O Award, American Physical Society


Lester Ingber <ingber@ingber.com>
Copyright © 1994-2023 Lester Ingber. All Rights Reserved.

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